Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting Started

So, welcome to my blog and my life!
I've never blogged before but I am well versed in thinking and opining so I guess I fit the criteria.
I'll introduce myself a little then.
I've never really been called "Red" by friends or family; mostly just random strangers, truck-drivers, and the occasional wedding videographer. But I do have red hair!
As it says in my profile I'm a military wife. My favorite story is the story of how we met.
I met my handsome hubby at Duvall's Southern Club in Lawton, OK. He was stationed at Ft. Sill and I was there to make arrangements for my Grandmother's funeral. My cousin and I had taken a break from the family to have a few drinks and catch-up. I'd spent many summers in Lawton with my family and I knew the racket. Soldiers are always looking for love, so when 3 of them walked over to introduce themselves to the 3 of us, I was prepared. He said, "What brings you to Lawton?" (What? How does he know I'm not a local? It's probably my hair) I said, "My grandma died." He was "very sorry to hear that," in the most sympathetic voice he could come up with. "Don't be" I said, "she was mean." "Oh." (yeah, take that! I can't be seduced so easily. And I've only had one drink!)
But he was persistent. He asked if I was seeing anyone and I explained that I was indeed living with a boyfriend back in Texas. He was a guitar playing artist and we had cats together. It was serious. This soldier was not in the least deterred. He spent the whole night telling me that he was about to be an officer in the United States Army and that he didn't see what this gay artist boyfriend had that he didn't. He was relentless! He even told me a story about his dog that he'd rescued in high school and was his loyal companion to this day! How cheesy and desperate. But he was pretty cute. All he wanted to do was take me to lunch the next day. So I finally gave in and let him have my number. The evening didn't end for me and my cousin when the bar closed though. She knew the band and we were up until 5 in the morning hanging out with them.
The next day, my phone rang at 8am. I was not impressed. But I made plans to have lunch after the funeral.
After our lunch date, my dad and I drove back to Texas. Two weeks later I lost my job. I was feeling pretty down and my boyfriend wasn't home yet at 7 pm. So I called my dad and asked him to cover for me and then I called the guy in Lawton and asked what he was doing for the weekend. I drove up and spent the weekend. Thanks to my little brother, my cell service was cancelled so I avoided some of the more unpleasant phone calls. On Sunday, I headed up to Nebraska to clear my head and visit my mom for a week. I made some decisions and a few phone calls and headed back south. I stopped in Lawton for the night then went on to Texas the next afternoon. I packed my things into my station wagon, said goodbye to my boyfriend, put my cat in the car and was back in Lawton by 2pm the following afternoon. I was able to move into my grandmother's recently vacated home.
Eleven months later we were married and had grown our family by 2 dogs and a second cat.
We've been married for 3 years now and are expecting our first son. I'm so exited to share this journey with Eddie!
Just as an aside, our last name is Edwards, Eddie is a nickname that my husband and his father before him received as a result of their occupations as servicemen.

So check back when you can and I'll do the same.

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